Change One Word, Change Your Life

The word “should” is more than just a word; it’s a powerful influencer that can be a silent saboteur in our lives. We often trap ourselves with this word, burdening our minds with expectations and perceived obligations. The constant push of what we believe we “should” be doing at work, at home, and in life can lead to unnecessary stress and burnout, keeping us from being clear about what we actually want.

While many of us have heard that relying on “should” as a motivator can be counterproductive, mere awareness isn’t enough if we’re genuinely committed to living our best lives. Offering insight beyond a conventional understanding, Amy dives deep into the unique and unexplored reasons why the force of “should” works against us.

In this illuminating session, Amy explores not just the what, but the why and how “should” binds and harms us. But this isn’t about just understanding the destructive nature of the word, but about harnessing a transformative way to shift our mindset, liberate ourselves from the weight of unrealized expectations, and how to lead an authentic, empowered, and meaningful life.

Session Benefits:

  • Recognize the pivotal role of “should” in creating mental barriers, stress, negativity, and fatigue.
  • Discover a quick method to pinpoint what’s silently hampering your performance and impact.
  • Practice a 4-step process to create flow, increase your energy, and amplify your creativity.

